Get Rid of Boot Smells
Do your boots have a distinct odor? Do people sniff the air in a strange way with a questioning expression on their face? It might be time to remove unwelcome shoe smells with a few easy methods you can try at home for free. These are quick and easy DIY things you can do to get rid of work shoe smells. They also stop the smells from coming back if you do them regularly. And why wouldn’t you? They are quick, easy, free and save you from buying new boots!
Comfortable Safety Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis
Heel pain is awful and chronic heel pain is nearly debilitating. Experiencing excruciating pain on a regular basis increases chances of developing other problems caused by walking unevenly. It is important to minimise the pain as much as possible. This benefits you in the short term by experiencing less pain with each step and long term by reducing chances of chronic aches and painful issues developing. These could be a great variety but most such issues occur in the joints, knees and lower back. If you experience any sort of heel pain you need to listen to your body. Wear the most comfortable work boots possible with a high level of cushioning and support to prevent the pain worsening.

Safe Feet when Welding
As a welder you make sure your feet are just as protected as the rest of you when on the job. In such a hazardous work environment accidents are just around the corner if you don’t plan and do your best to be safe. There is no better way to protect your feet than by wearing welding approved protective boots. Welders use work boots that have special features specific to the job. you do not want to rely on standard safety shoes to keep you safe during welding.
The Best Work Boots for Ironworkers
Ironworkers have physically demanding hazardous jobs that puts extreme pressure on their feet. There are certain features you want to be sure your boots have to make sure they meet your expectations during work. Some boots offer more stability and support than others. Some are designed with heavy duty work in mind and it shoes in their excellent durability. Ironwork requires good traction, all of the safety features you can get amongst other useful characteristics. Are wedge soles the best choice for ironworkers?

Easy No-Lace Pull-On Boots
With pull on boots you can be ready for work in no time. And after work, don’t mess around with annoying knots in your laces! Just slip them off and put your feet up. Slip on and off safety shoes is one of the best types of shoe types out there! Let’s look at easy to slip on steel toe work boots that are also comfortable. These easy but also safe boots will be a life changer. Why make things more difficult than they need to be? Slip on boots are just as safe and snug as lace up boots. Read on to find the best out there.
The Best Inserts for Cowboy Work Boots
Do you think your feet could be more comfortable during the day? If your work boot is not the best, inserts could help alleviate the pressure on your feet. Inserts are most effective if you need an arch support but your boots don’t have any. They provide your arches much needed support and you’ll feel immediate relief across your whole foot. Inserts also absorb impact shock effectively especially if they are a specialised anti shock design and construction. If you spend any amount of time on your feet, help your feet cope with some well suited inserts.

Insoles Designed for Concrete
Although concrete is useful in building modern structures that will last, it has downsides too. This hard surface is damaging to us if we walk on it for an extended time without the right footwear. There is no “give” like with soil, grass or carpeted floors. You can minimise the impact shock of working on such a hard cement surfaces! This is important to avoid chronic pains later on in life. You can use insoles that will help avoid foot fatigue. Insoles have been invented to save your from unnecessary agony.
Standing on Concrete Floors All Day
Are you standing on hard surfaces all day long? Reduce the stress that causes on your feet by wearing appropriate gear. Concrete is one of the hardest materials we walk on everyday but that doesn’t mean that is good for us. In fact the hard surface causes high shock to vibrate through our bodies and damage our joints over time. Protect yourself from this long term damage by wearing anti shock footwear. Luckily specialised safety shoes have been designed for people who spend extended hours on hard surfaces. This type of boots spread the shock equally across your sole or absorb it within the sole before it can reach your foot.

Avoid Sweaty Feet Easily
Some people suffer from feet that get hot quickly. The preferred shoe is a casual slip on and off style so it’s easy to cool your feet if needed. But in a job with hazards, you need safety boots securely attached to your feet. That doesn’t mean that your feet need to suffer in stuffy boots. There are work boots specially designed to keep your toes safe, comfortable and airy. They avoid moisture buildup, so sweaty feet are a thing of the past. Read on to find work boots with excellent breathability and good quality mesh lining.
Footwear for Pouring Concrete
When you think of pouring cement, you want to wear gear that is easy to clean and durable. Although the obvious concrete pouring gear includes rubber boots, you do have other options. Some safety boots made of leather are suitable for cement pouring. Leather boots without laces are probably the best bet for easy cleaning and maintenance. Read on to find the most suitable work boots for concrete pouring that are safe, comfortable, durable and easy to clean.

Safety Shoes for Warehouse Work
Warehouse picking and packing is tough work. You need to be on your feet all the time, pulling items, walking, standing, packing. Without the right pair of shoes, your feet will suffer fatigue causing you aches and pains that distract you from work. If you are distracted from work you are more likely to make mistakes and your work will suffer. And besides that, nobody wants their feet to be in pain during work. The right pair of boots will make your work shift a breeze. They easily withstand strenuous activities and support your feet correctly for your needs.
Boots for Standing All Day Long
If you’re working a demanding job that keeps you on your feet all day long you’ll need some good shoes to support you. Oh I’ll just get some inserts, that’ll do the job, you say. They will help, that’s true but you could have a much better day at work with boots purposefully constructed for comfort and support. Footwear affects your mood and productivity. If it causes you pain, expect a bad mood and lower productivity as well as potential chronic pains. But well fitting and job-specific footwear: be ready for a great day at work!

Comfortable Work Boots for Flat Feet
If you have flat feet you already know that your arches need a bit of extra care and mindfulness when selecting shoes. Avoid joint, knee, ankle and other related problems from developing with correctly fitting boots. Insoles can make a massive difference but make sure the boot is suitable too. Some boots come with arch support built in. You need extra support and stability to avoid excessive overpronation. A firmer sole bed is recommended. Read on to find the most suitable, supportive and comfortable work boots for flat feet.
Merrell Work Boots
what’s so great about Merrells? Do they even make work boots? And is the rumour true that they are good shoes to wear for Plantar Fasciitis pain? Merrell has been branching out into various specialised shoe categories and is well known to have quality as a priority. With Merrell safety boots available, they are definitely worth considering when looking for a new pair. Read on to find out why and how their comfort meets heel pain needs.

Delivery Drivers: Travel in Comfort
With a job delivering parcels all over town and beyond, you need reliable footwear to get you from A to B and also to C, D, E, F….. These boots need to be great on uneven ground, hot asphalt, slippery ice and protect your metatarsal bones from heavy falling objects. These boots also need to be comfortable. You’ll be wearing them all day and need them to not only protect you from hard surface impact shock but also be waterproof in case of puddles.
Work Boots for Concrete Floors
As a construction worker spending endless hours, days and weeks walking on hard surfaces, you’d probably prefer walking on grass or any softer surface. Sadly that is not always possible, but you can wear work shoes that have a soft surface built in with anti foot fatigue technology. Shoes designed for working on concrete and cement floors have an abundance of anti shock features to protect you from the impact of every step you make. Make sure you get the most job specific safety shoe for effective protection.

Back Pain and Work Shoes
If you suffer from back pain, you feel limited throughout your day, no matter what you do. The pain follows you everywhere. Not many people realise that you can possibly reduce back aches by wearing suitable safety shoes. In fact your aches and pain could have been caused by wearing the wrong type of shoe for years. If that is what happened to you, you might be able to alleviate the pain by wearing work boots more appropriate to your job. This is especially true if you need arch support or extra shock absorption for hard surface work.
The Best Work Boots for Diabetics
Working a job that puts a lot of pressure on your feet requires reliable footwear to protect them. With a diabetes diagnosis this is even more true. You’ll need to wear work boots that are specifically designed to protect, de-stress and stimulate circulation. Choosing the right diabetic work boot is extremely important. Your feet need extra protection considering the limited foot sensation due to nerve damage. People with diabetes are prone to a long list of foot problems that can be mostly avoided with care and wearing suitable shoes.

Landscaping, Farm and Yard Work Boots
Although landscaping is very rewarding once you completed the job, it’s quite a bit of work though. Landscapers yard and farm workers all face muddy conditions at some point and you’d want to be prepared! The boots you wear for this job need to be as versatile as you are. That is asking a lot but luckily there are some very well designed outside job boots available. You’ll probably want tall boots to protect your lower legs as much as possible, not only from cold wet grass but also aggressive weeds. Choose a boot with a flexible sole if you will be kneeling in flower beds a lot. If you focus more on tree work you want a boot with a shank for support.
Work Boots for Sore Feet Hurting Bad
On your feet all day? Feet complaining more than usual? It’s probably time to give your squeaky wheels some oil. Your feet are sore for some reason and it’s best to find out what it is before it becomes chronic. Look at your work boots you currently wear and ask yourself if they are the most suitable for your feet and your job. Do they have enough cushioning and could you benefit from better arch support? These issues are easy to remedy! Read on to find the best safety shoes for sore feet.

The Warmest Winter Boots
Working outside in winter requires insulated boots. Spending any amount of time in the snow, you want to keep your toes warm and comfortable. Insulated work boots are the solution. But there are quite a few to choose from. Insulation can vary from 200 gram up to 1200 gram. Do you need a shank, safety toe and EH safety rating? There’s a boot for each of these criteria and some boots meeting all of them. Winter boot selection is nearly as diverse as it is for every other season.
Composite Toe vs Steel Toe
A safety toe should protect your toes in the same way right? Well, yes but also no. The main function of a safety toe is to protect your feet from falling objects. However some safety toes have a higher impact and compression protection than others. And some safety toes have no rating! The original safety toe is the steel cap. The steel safety toe is consistent is safety rating. The composite safety toe cap is a newer development and better in some way but perhaps lacking in others. Read on to find out how and why some safety toe type shoes are more suitable for your job compared to others.

The Best Boots for Roofing Work
Do you enjoy heights and decided to make it your career by doing roofing work? That is impressive! A comfort with height is useful when working higher up than most people on a day to day basis. As it is also more dangerous than what most people busy themselves with, it is wise to wear safety gear. Particularly non slip roofing shoes are a big help in preventing accidents and injuries. This type of non slip is different compared to the slip resistant outsole you’d want for icy conditions.
Railroad Workers Safety Shoes
This is a really tough job. Working on the railroad is relentless and exhausting. The hazards are never ending and you need to be constantly alert to avoid risky mishaps. To help you get through your work day safely, reliable boots are non negotiable. Your safety boots are designed to keep both your feet, and you, safe. Is an EH rating necessary? Yes. Do you need a shank? Not necessarily. We’ve taken the guesswork out of what work shoes are best for railroad workers. Read on to find the best fit for you.

How to Clean & Protect Leather Boots
Leather boots need regular care to keep looking their best. They will also last longer if they are well maintained. This will save buying new boots earlier than need be and be cheaper in the long run. Not too mention how much better you’ll feel in stylish beautifully cared for boots vs scruffy and dull neglected boots. It doesn’t take long, it’s easy and is even therapeutic for some. And best of all it keeps the leather soft and comfortable to wear. We’ll walk you through how to clean, dry and maintain your boots like a pro. Help your boots live their best life!
Electrician Safety Boots
Are you an electrician looking for your next pair of safety shoes? You know your footwear needs to provide you with an extra layer of protection. Besides an EH safety rating, what other safety and comfort features could your new boots offer you? Quite a lot is the quick answer. Safety footwear manufacturers keep developing new and improved designs with better more efficient material. But with so many electrician safety boot variations, which is the best specifically for you? Well you’ve come to the right place. We’ve analysed the best available and found one of them stands out and is a step above the rest.
The Best Socks for Work Boots
With every great pair of boots, a supportive pair of good quality socks should be matched. Without suitable socks, your boots wont feel as comfortable as they should. There are many types of socks for different types of feet and jobs. These socks could be thick for extra cushioning, padded in specific areas to protect your foot from impact and pain and extra breathable or moisture wicking. Socks are versatile and necessary to be worn with safety shoes to avoid blisters and other discomfort. Read on to find the most suitable pair for you.
Paving Asphalt Work Boots
Do you work on hot, freshly poured tar on a regular basis? If yes, you probably wear asphalt safety shoes that are heat resistant and keep your feet relatively cool and comfortable. These types of boots range for poor to excellent quality, just like any other work boot. If you are looking to upgrade to provide your feet (and yourself!) a better experience during the long work day on blacktop, read on to find out what boot is not only most comfortable but also the most durable.
The Most Breezy, Breathable Work Boots
Many work boots are sure to keep your feet safe with safety toe and EH rating and other useful features. However do these boots also allow your feet to breathe? Or do your feet feel like they are in a furnace half way through the work day? Not only are hot feet uncomfortable but it quickly leads to sweaty feet. Sweaty feet not only usually smell bad but they also create a breeding ground for bacteria. To avoid these discomforts make sure you wear breathable boots with excellent airflow and moisture wicking socks.
Other Topics of Interest:
- What oilfield safety boots should I choose?
- Which lineman work boot is best for climbing ladders?
- Does the Cat Revolver boot beat the Wolverine boot for plumbing shoes?
- The top 5 best american made work boots.
- Are all rubber work boots really waterproof?
- The 5 best mechanic work shoes for auto, diesel & more
- Do carpenters benefit from wearing specific safety boots?
- The 3 best lightweight waterproof shoes available
- The most comfortable pull on steel toe boots that are waterproof
Knee Pain, are your Shoes causing it?
Pain is terrible to have to deal with. What if it’s avoidable? It’s worth testing if your bad knees feel relief when you wear different type boots. There are some work shoes specifically designed for people who suffer knee issues and discomfort. If you could experience a pain free work day, the inconvenience of trying something new and different is likely worth it.
Why Wedge Sole Boots?
Safety shoes with a completely flat sole have improved traction on smooth surfaces. Wedge soles are especially recommended to workers on slippery surfaces who need as much traction as they can get. Welders and warehouse workers enjoy the benefits of wedge type safety shoes. The extra cushioning is also a favorite feature of many.
Zero Drop Shoes: the New Boots on the Block
Shoe developers have been busy creating zero drop safety shoes due to popular demand. Although there are still limited choices for the work boots category, zero drop option are increasing and customers are pleased. You can find minimalist zero drop waterproof, winter boots and even golf shoes.
What are the best comfortable minimalist boots for work?
Minimalist shoes are naturally comfortable but with added safety features the comfort might be affected. Do you need a steel toe for work but love minimal shoes and wish you could combine the 2? Good news! We have found an option for comfortable minimalist shoe with safety toe. Although minimalist shoes are often thought of as running shoes you can also find suitable variations for work, hiking and in wider sizes as well. There truly is a shoe for everyone to be comfortable in.
Cowboy boots: Justin also makes excellent safety footwear
Cowboy boots have always been a favorite on ranches. They are easy and quick to slip on and provide extra protection for your ankles and calf. These durable boots have expanded into the work boot category and are meeting customer expectations easily. The added comfort features have not gone unnoticed, especially the double comfort technology. These quality leather boots are appreciated by countless workers and with over 100 years of production experience are a classic go to boot for many.
Are Wellington Boots safe for worksites?
Wellingtons are known to be waterproof and great for jumping around in puddles. Could they be suitable for construction work sites where safety toes are required? Most wellington boots are pull on but some brands have started offering elastic inserts and side zippers for an even easier on and off experience.
What materials make the best waterproof boot?
All boots benefit from an additional waterproofing treatment. This not only protects your socks and feet from an unwanted bath but also protects your boots from stains and avoidable damage. Waterproofing is an obvious benefit to any work boot but are some boot materials better for the waterproofing quality than others?
Other Topics of Interest:
- The easiest way to break in your brand new boots without damaging them
- What is the most efficient method of waterproofing safety boots? These are quick and actually work!
- Where can you get the best deal on safety work shoes? You might be surprised!
- Are your boots perfect 99% except for a tiny pinch in the toe box? You can stretch your shoes!
- Stop your beautiful new leather work boots squeaking and making a scene!
- Ladies, here you have great options of women’s work boots with safety features.
- Vegan Work boots are just as safe and comfortable as traditional safety shoes
- Firefighters need speciality boots that are resistant to intense heat.